Product Page Conversion Tips
Feeling lost about how to structure your product pages and what information to provide to your customers? With the holidays upon us, making sure your product pages have the key elements needed is vitally important.
Product Page Description
One of the main keys to conversion rates on product pages is how effective the description is. Think here in terms of what solution does your product solve, or what pain point does it relieve? What emotions or feelings will your product evoke upon the user when they have or use your product?
Rather than listing the benefits and features, tap into a person’s emotional side when creating your product descriptions. For some product it is important to list features and technical descriptions as well, but having the emotional aspect of the description first is important to those not needing/wanting any of the technical description parts.
Product Page Reviews
Product page reviews are key as well. They help build trust in the product and your brand/company for those new to your site. Think about how much time you spend reading reviews when you are shopping. I bet you read at least 2-3 for products or sites you are not familiar with. They really can seal the deal on a sale.
Product Page Images
High quality, detailed images really help sell a product. With so much shopping being virtual and online, you really need to bring the in person experience to the online world. Making sure you have clear detailed photos with multiple angles when possible is key. Having a few manufacturer images is fine, however adding in your own personal images really shows the potential customer, you are highly detailed and care about the sale, as well as provides more views and angles than manufacturers typically provide.
Having these 3 key Product Page elements optimize will greatly increase your conversion rates for your product pages. Helping turn your visitors into customers giving them the confidence to buy on your site!
If you have an eCommerce store and would like more info on how to further optimize your pages, Contact Us today and see if we would be a good fit for you!
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