Your marketing message is not about you or what you do. It’s about what your target audience is going through and what they desire to be, have or do. Make sure your marketing message is aimed at fulfilling that desire. If you sell insurance, for example, emphasize how your product can bring them comfort in times of crisis.
Category Archives: Blog
We turned 9! Little did we know 9 years ago that our vision and ideas would grow so big! We quickly went from a small idea late in 2002, to launching our first client’s websites with X-cart in 2003 to opening our online store in April 2004 selling X-cart mods ‘just in case’ someone else would want the same things our clients were wanting. Well that ‘just in case’ exploded and within 9 months we had to hire someone to help us fill mod creation and custom work demand!
Our first modules on the site were several from FiretankSoftware as well as our own that are still popular today:
- Marketing Manager Professional
- Inventory Pricing
- Search Engine Results – FREE X-cart Mod
- Ad / Banner Module for X-cart
Our first modules were very well received much quicker than we expected, much to our surprise. We were excited with all the feedback we were getting on how much our modules saved our customers time and money and how they also brought in more revenue. Fall of 2004 we had so many clients requesting a Customer Reward Points module we built one and haven’t looked back since! The response received by this one was astonishing. Several have tried to create it, but it still remains the most popular module out there being on several thousand websites!
By January 2005, we had so much demand for work and modules I wasn’t able to keep up myself. We hired our first engineer. In 2005, Henry joined BCSE as a contractor at that time. He quickly came up-to-speed and about 9 months later we hired him full time as our first full time employee!
Over the years we’ve continued to grow and expand our business trying to keep up with customer demands. Always wanting to make sure we could supply our clients with business solutions that helped them be more successful. We want to greatly thank everyone that has supported us over the years. It’s been an honor to be a part of your lives and business!
We recently attended the X.Commerce conference in San Francisco and a key takeaway was the importance of websites being fully accessible by mobile devices. The line between retail and ecommerce sales is blurring by way of mobile devices. For example, a customer may be in the store shopping and will research the item online to see if they can find a better deal elsewhere before buying in person. If they find it, they will likely purchase the item via their mobile device foregoing the offer that is right in front of them.
We have had a great deal of success in converting existing websites to a mobile version. We no longer offer a mod for this due to the variances between devices and the intricacies within each site. However, we have found we can achieve this goal through custom work at a very reasonable and fair price. If you want assistance with making your site mobile, please feel free to contact us!
Henry & I went to San Francisco CA last week and attended the X.commerce Innovate Developer conference 2011. While there we both listened to great speakers including:
- John Donahoe – President and CEO of eBay, Inc.
- Katie Mitic – Director, Platform & Mobile Marketing for Facebook
- Bill Ingram – VP, Product Management, Digital Marketing Business Unit for Adobe
- Naveed Anwar – Head of Community for X.commerce
- Matthew-Mengerink – VP & General Manager for X.commerce
- Blake Mycoskie – Founder & Chief Shoe Giver for TOMS Shoes, Inc.
- Plus several more
While at the conference, we were able to meet and learn more about several key companies and products including:
- Adobe
- Kenshoo
- Magento
- PayPal
- eBay
- Plus many more
While at the conference, we concentrated mostly in the X.commerce and Magento tracks, learning a lot of insight into these new technologies and software. Several new and upcoming features and functionality from PayPal and eBay, Inc. was also presented and discussed. The conference not only gave good insight into upcoming technologies but also gave good insight into best business practices for our clients for the upcoming years. There was a lot of discussion on how mobile technology will shape the buying world today. With the information that Henry & I brought back from the conference, we’re working to implement some new technologies and also help best advise clients on current trends in e-Commerce.