Interesting article that could help many of you run your business better. I know it’s a constant area that can always use improvement for me. Why aren’t you delegating?
Category Archives: Blog
Great article on how gratitude can help make you more successful and reduce your stress levels!
At approximately 6pm on Friday June 29, 2012 a very large storm front crossed almost all of Ohio. Several of us were still at the office working late when the storm hit. Power was knocked out in our city and across the state. Estimates of 633,000 people were affected. Their estimate is 5-7 days for power to be restored! Reports are the winds from this storm were in the 80-85 MPH range and worse than hurricane Ike in 2008. There are some large trees completely uprooted and blown down by the storm!
Staff remained at the office to ensure servers stayed up during the storm outage. At one point in time we had 6 staff members and 10 family members here! Myself and one of our friends left to go to Krogers, which was still open due to them having a generator, and got enough food to cook from our gas stove at home and brought dinner to the office. We feasted on Brats and home made spaghetti! Brandon remained all night to monitor the servers and power while the rest of us went home.
Today, Saturday, thankfully power is being restored already to our city and, as of this time, most of the power is up, including at our office. We want to thank the hard workers at AEP for restoring power to most of our city well before the time estimate. We are now hoping it stays up and other affected areas come up quickly as well!
Thanks to the generosity of our staff and our customers, we were able to donate $75.50 in cash plus several jars of PB & J to the local Children’s Services to support families in the area needing extra support while school was out. We are very proud of all of you!
Our customer, offers many color options for their custom wall decals and wanted a better way to showcase the options available. We integrated Adobe Scene 7 into their shopping cart allowing a customer to select a color option and instantly view the options on the sample pictures provided. No refreshing necessary! Not only can the customer configure the decal colors but also the room color!
This color configurator provides almost 100 Million variations just for this one design! If you’d like us to quote something like this for your site, please contact us.
We recently received a letter from our local Athens County Children Services Board. They are conducting a Peanut Butter and Jelly food drive again this summer. Athens County Ohio is one of the poorest counties in the state and many children depend on the meals that they receive at school to provide their nutritional needs. The Athens County Children Services Board has been distributing PB&J since 2009 to families in need during the summer to make providing food for their families easier during this season.
Each summer they have served hundreds of children each week with this food drive. They are partnering with Community Food Initiatives and Friends and Neighbors Community Food Center to supplement the peanut butter and jelly with fresh produce as well.
We, at BCS Engineering, have decided to do a local collection in our office of either Peanut Butter & Jelly Jars or monetary donations to the drive. We felt it important to also extend this opportunity across the world to you, our clients and friends.
How can you help?
We’ve created a special product that allows you to donate $5 or more towards this program. All proceeds will go directly to the PB & J Project minus credit card fees. If you would like your entire donation to go to the project, simply use Check/Money order as your payment option and mail your donation to:
BCS Engineering
ATTN: PB&J Project
25 Grosvenor St.
Athens, OH 45701
You may also give directly to them by contacting them on their website:
Our belief has always been to help those that are less fortunate than ourselves in any way that we can and we appreciate your consideration in helping with this worthwhile project! As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will be accepting donations through Friday, June 22nd.
We have many clients that depend on Google Shopping (formerly known as Froogle). We have been helping clients since the early days of Froogle connect their X-cart sites to Google Shopping. We learned today from several articles that Google plans to have a pay-to-play model in by Fall 2012. While we can see that this could potentially help keep their results cleaner and more relevant, however we are concerned for the small businesses that may not have a budget for this.
Read more at the Google Shopping becomes pay-to-play article on
Sitepoint has an interesting article on new browser trends after IE9 has been heavily promoted in advertisements. This article gives a nice perspective on current trends to keep in mind while designing a website.
Last week, Google released a new update to its Panda algorithm that targets low-quality content. Who won and who lost?
All X-Cart customers should have received a security patch update today, 4/11/2012 from Qualiteam that affects all 4.1.x through 4.4.x X-carts. While X-Cart has categorized this as a “minor” threat, we feel that there is potential for a larger threat if this patch is not applied. If you are a BCSE hosted customer we will automatically apply this patch. If you are not a hosted customer and are not able to apply your patch, please contact us and we will help you. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.