Category Archives: Blog

X-cart Mod Contest Update

Due to the large number of last minute entries, we’re going to need a few more days to prepare for the contest. We should be starting the voting on Wednesday, Oct 17. Thanks for all the great ideas! We’re excited to see who wins!

A Spotless Desk at Day’s End: Organized or Overkill?

Check out this great article on the benefits of cleaning off your desk at the end of the workday. At a more organized stage of my life I practiced this approach and definitely found it to be beneficial. The article has inspired me to get back into the habit of organizing my desk at days end! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions! A Spotless Desk at Day’s End: Organized or Overkill?

X-Cart Mod Contest!

BCSE will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in November and would like to celebrate with our loyal customers!

We are asking our customers to submit new module ideas to us. We will then ask our customers to vote on which mod they would most like to see developed.
The customer with the winning idea will receive the mod for free! 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive their choice of 25% off the winning mod or 150 reward points added to their accounts.
Contest Rules
* Submit your mod idea via our support system no later than October 10th.
* Please be as specific as possible. The more information and detail you provide the better your chance of winning.
* This is your chance to pick something from your “ecommerce wish list”
* Beginning October 15th, visit to vote for your favorite mod idea.
* Deadline to vote is November 9th.
* Winner will be announced November 13th!

Contact Us With Your Ideas

Using Marketing Manager Pro to boost our own sales!!

We’ve recently been using a great mod that is available on our site to help boost our store sales. Marketing Manager Pro is a great tool to send targeted sales emails, get website traffic reports, profit reports, newsletter sending, etc!

It’s been so helpful to us and has increased our sales so we are celebrating by offering it at $25.00 off our already discounted price!! Hurry, sale ends September 18, 2012!