Category Archives: Blog

Support Email Issues!

We are having temporary ‘support’ email issues. You can feel free to email us still at our support or sales email address, we are getting them into our mail system but they are not going into our ticket system. We’re working to resolve this issue. Please be patient while we work to resolve this issue and get your emails out of our email system.

You can alternatively log in directly to our support system to view and respond to any tickets:

Thank you!


UPDATE: As of 2:30pm EST, support email is working again and going to our ticket system and all replies should be in your ticket. Let us know if we missed one. DPM vs CIM

BCS Engineering offers 2 great mods for simplifying PCI compliance with X-cart DPM DPM for X-cart
Buy DPM for X-cart! CIM

Buy CIM for X-cart!

Which Module is Right for Me?

Both modules provide a path to simpler PCI compliance forms to be filled out. Depending on the features you want will determine which one is best for you. Some customers use both modules! This is great if you want to give the customer the option to store Credit Cards or not.

Note: We have discontinued upgrading the Authorize.Net CIM mod above version 4.6, as the ability to store credit cards is now available on the recent versions of the Authorize.Net DPM mod. This functionality is now possible on the DPM mod because of updates to the API. DPM Features CIM Features

  • Directly posts the customer’s Credit Card information to
  • Simplifies PCI compliance by eliminating the need for X-cart to pass or have access to the Credit Card during the checkout process
  • Card Data is never processed or stored by the shopping cart in any way
  • Integrates seamlessly into X-cart
  • Compatible with all checkout methods
  • Looks like standard credit card entry methods
  • Customer card data is processed at without it looking like the customer has left your site
  • Store Customer Credit cards per customer account
  • Cards are stored on secure servers and never processed by X-cart software or the server your site runs on
  • Easy subsequent ordering for logged in customers since they can select an existing card
  • Never leave your site to store cards or complete transactions
  • Uses and in-window Popup/Overlay so it appears that the customer is entering the information into your site, when they are actually entering it directly into
  • AJAX refresh updates the cards stored without a page refresh to minimize page loads
  • All Credit Cards are stored directly at and IDs are used to reference them within

Common Features

Both DPM and CIM modules for X-cart include the following features:

  • Sensitive Card information is never stored or transmitted on your server or in X-cart’s software
  • Simple to install and configure!
  • Customers stay on your site for checkout!

With both DPM and CIM modules, Customers should request to be a ‘Redirect’ merchant type when conversing with PCI compliance auditors and scanners. DPM DPM for X-cart
Buy DPM for X-cart! CIM

Buy CIM for X-cart!

Don’t have yet?

Looking for CIM for Magento?

We have an CIM module for Magento on our sister site!

If the Client Thinks Your Price is Too High, He’s Right

This is a great article and puts a different perspective on customers asking about “high prices.” Trying to justify your price based of the amount of time it takes is not a winning value proposition. That’s because the client isn’t interested in paying for your time—he wants a result produced or a problem solved. Check out the full article here.

Voting open for X-Cart Mod Contest!!

Voting is Open for our New Mod Contest!!

We asked our customers to submit new module ideas to us and they delivered!!

Log in to vote for your favorite mod idea. Deadline to vote is 11:00 PM EDT November 9th! Winner will be announced November 13th!

BCSE will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in November and would like to celebrate with our loyal customers. The customer with the winning idea will receive the mod for free! 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive their choice of 25% off the winning mod or 150 reward points added to their accounts.

You can vote once per Person/login and can vote for multiple mods. Please don’t create or use additional accounts to spam the system!

Anyone caught spamming the voting system will have their votes deducted from the totals. If you have made the module suggestion and we find that you are spamming the voting system, we reserve the right to pull your mod from the contest!