Category Archives: Blog

Sage Pay Update – Important for X-Cart Stores 4.6.5 or Older

Due to Sage Pay releasing version 3 of their payment gateway protocol, they will be discontinuing support for earlier versions beginning July 31st, 2015. If you are using Sage Pay, this means your store will be unable to process payments without this upgrade. Read the full release from Sage Pay here.

Qualiteam has released a fix that “will likely work for 4.6.x, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.5.4, and 4.5.5. It may work for earlier versions, but we didn’t test it.”

We wanted to notify our customers as to the change, so it does not catch anyone using Sage Pay off guard. As always, if you have any questions or support needs based around this change, please contact us.

X-Cart 4 Support Packages

BCS Engineering will offer X-Cart 4 support  as long as we have customers interested in using it as a platform. Check out our X-Cart Support Packages. We have a few different options to meet a wide-range of support needs! Sign up for this great opportunity now!

Package Options

Free X-cart Security Patching*
Error Log Review* √ – 2x per year √ – Quarterly
Annual One Hour Phone Consult √ – 2x per year √ – Quarterly
Priority Support & Scheduling
Break Fixes* $115/hour $105/hour $100/hour
Custom Work $115/hour $105/hour $100/hour
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) $150/hour $125/hour
Discounted Mod Purchases 10% discount 15% discount 20% discount
Mod installs 10% discount 15% discount 20% discount
Pricing* $35/month $85/month $175/month

*Please see our X-Cart 4 Support Page for specifics on these items.

Contact us for more information!

X-cart Recurring Orders

We’re pretty proud of the x-cart recurring order feature that we added for our good customer Rogers Family Coffee & Tea Market. Allowing customers to set up a recurring order at a discounted price is the perfect solution for coffee and tea lovers that know they will need a fresh supply on a frequent basis. It’s a quick and easy service that benefits the customer and increases sales. This screenshot shows the placement of the recurring order feature in the shopping cart:


This solution can be implemented for a wide variety of businesses and products! Amazon offers this service, why don’t you? Contact us today and let us help you implement this terrific service for your customers!

The Benefits of Hootsuite

HootSuite: Social Media Dashboard

The world of social media can sometimes be overwhelming for small to medium-sized businesses. We have found HootSuite to be an invaluable tool in organizing our involvement with social media. Once configured, it is a time-saving way to post to any social networks supported by HootSuite – including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google Plus, and more!

Often small business proprietors complain about not always having time to post to social media. Using HootSuite, you are able to schedule posts in advance across your various social media platforms. So, whenever you might find time to post to social media, you can schedule posts to occur throughout set intervals. This helps make sure your social media feed is consistently giving your followers something to interact with, as well as reminding them about your services.

Starting at approximately $10 a month, you get all of the above functionality to help centralize and manage your social media presence. Additionally, Hootsuite offers reports on your social media sites. You can find out which sites are generating the most clicks via this reporting. This can help you further save time by realizing what type of posts are working, and which are less successful. To be able to get such worthwhile marketing feedback at such a low cost is yet another reason why it is hard to imagine not utilizing Hootsuite for your social media needs!

Growing Your Business by Focusing on Current Customers

When it comes to growing your business, people often overlook their current customer base. Usually you hear businesses talking about how to generate new sales or how to market to new customers. Not to say that either of these two items should be neglected, but focusing on your current customers can often be a better long-term investment.

If a customer feels they are receiving service that makes them feel they are appreciated, they will be more likely to return. If you have a business that is more client-based, perhaps they will be more likely to seek you out for future projects. Perhaps the best factor here (particularly for a small business) is that current customers are much easier to market and sell to as opposed to trying to reach out to new potential clients. This effectively means that providing great customer service is your most efficient means to generating business.

This article from Entrepreneur lists several ways to show your current customers how much of a value they are to you. I particularly like some of the following tips:

  • Keep it personal. Voice mail and email make it easy to communicate, but the personal touch is lost. Don’t count these as legitimate follow-up. If you’re having trouble getting through, leave a voice mail message that you want to talk to the person directly or will stop by their office at a designated time.”
  • “Establish support systems that give employees clear instructions for gaining and maintaining service superiority.”
  • “Act on the knowledge that customers value attention, competence, promptness and dependability.”
  • Ask for feedback. Survey your customers regularly to find out how you’re doing. Send postage-pad questionnaire cards or letters, call them by phone, and set up focus groups. Ask for suggestions, then fix the trouble areas revealed.

While all of the items in the Entrepreneur article might not apply to your particular business, it is definitely worth looking over. Maybe these are things already being enacted by your organization. Although, maybe there is an item or two in there to help push your business over the top. Read the full article here.

Nominate A Soldier for Free Coffee

There are times when we are working on a customer’s site and come across something pretty cool that we want to share. Our friends at Roger’s Coffee & Tea Market offer Free Coffee for Soldiers serving overseas in a war zone. Pretty awesome in our book!

If you know of a soldier that qualifies, please thank them for their service and fill out the form for a free care package! Giving back and supporting others is very important to us at BCSE and we love when our customers feel the same way. Check out the Roger’s Coffee & Tea Market site and order some terrific coffee or tea for yourself while you are at it!

The End of an Era – Goodbye IE

The long-lived Microsoft Internet Explorer is beginning its swan song. Beginning with Windows 10, Internet Explorer will be phased out. Of course, Microsoft will be still in the browser market. As of right now, the new browser project is currently named Project Spartan (cue a web-comic with IE being “Sparta-kicked” into a hole), but that name will likely change as the project develops. Also, Spartan will come with a Web assistant named Cortana (see: Halo), as well as some other added functionality.

There are several versions of this information around the Web. However, this NPR article is among the most informative pieces I have seen on the topic. It also includes a memorable line from AdWeek’s Kristina Monllos regarding the need for noticeable change from IE to Spartan: “They don’t want people to see it as if they’re just putting lipstick on the Internet Explorer pig.” While this is true (and is definitely a challenge for Microsoft to overcome), I am sure current IE users might not mind that lipstick-covered pig. So, the challenge becomes retaining current users and attracting back some of its former market share. I am curious to see what Microsoft brings to the table to try to achieve this end.

Phasing Out of Amazon Webstore Platform

According to this article from Internet Retailer, Amazon has begun notifying customers of the phasing out of Amazon Webstore by 2016. From the launch announcement of Amazon Webstore, it is “a full-featured e-commerce product that enables small- to medium-sized retailers and manufacturers to quickly design, build and manage their multichannel e-commerce businesses using Amazon’s technology.” This follows the somewhat recent notification from Magento regarding the discontinuation of the MagentoGo platform.

Along these lines, if you are currently utilizing the Amazon Webstore as an e-commerce platform or if you had been planning to utilize the platform in the near future, there are other alternatives available. We support conversions to X-Cart, BigCommerce, and Magento. Contact us for a free quote on your e-commerce conversion needs!

30 Year Anniversary of .com

This past Sunday was the 30th anniversary of a momentous event in the history of the Internet – the registration of the first .com domain. It seems hard to imagine something as pervasive as the Internet has only been around for 30 years. While I am able to remember how things were before the World Wide Web became a constant part of my life, there are people younger than me who have lived their entire lives with it. As such, I am sure some people are unable to imagine life without the Internet.

This article from CBS News goes into a little more detail about the history of the dot com domain.

I also found the following timeline from Verisign (which is included in the CBS article) extremely interesting. For example, I didn’t know that Amazon has been around since 1994 – shortly after the advent of the World Wide Web. This timeline is full of similarly interesting facts.