Category Archives: Ecommerce

Ways to Utilize Psychological Principles on Pricing Pages

Pricing pages are often the most important aspect of a company’s website. Due to this, it is important to make this page as effective as possible. Once again, if we look to how people process information and emotions, we can find little ways to steer customers to the optimally-desired result. This Entrepreneur article provides several tips along these lines.

The most important of these – and one we have seen before in other website suggestions – is to provide less information, not more. Giving people too much information can lead to the customer thinking too much about a purchasing decision instead of acting on emotional triggers. This does not mean, “do not provide any information at all”, but to only provide the most important information. However, if customers want more information, this can be handled either through a “See More Features” link option or some similar means.

The full article lists a few more helpful tips regarding pricing pages and psychological triggers. To read the article, click here.

Magento Go End-of-Life Reminder

As a reminder, in less than three weeks (February 1st), Magento Go and ProStores are shutting down. At this time:

  • All merchants’ stores on these platforms will be closed
  • Merchants will lose access to store and customer data
  • Merchants will lose access to store content and images
  • Customer support for both of these platforms will be shut down

One of the options suggested by Magento as an alternative, Bigcommerce, is offering discounted services to clients moving from Magento Go and ProStores, including:

  • Free migration
  • First month free
  • Advanced eBay integration through ChannelUnity with no monthly fee and just 1% commission

Click the following link to get started:

Achievable Habit Changes for the New Year

It is said that New Year’s resolutions have a success rate of around 12%. So, does this mean that you should not set goals for improvement for the New Year? I would say that it is more important to set achievable goals and build from those once you have comfortably established these goals as habits. A couple of items from this article I find very important for myself – and they do not require much work. The important thing is to not make excuses to avoid or ignore the task related to your goal.

Exercising for 20 minutes a day is something everyone can do with little difficulty. Once again, it is important to set your initial 20-minute routine as achievable. As soon as this routine is established as habit, look to either increase the difficulty of your routine or the length as you see fit.

Another important item is waking up an hour or two early each day. It is a lot easier to cope with the day and the tasks ahead of you, if you have had some extra time to adjust each morning. Most people just rush into their day without this additional focus (and often without enough sleep) which would likely improve their overall productivity and happiness.

While these two items are the achievable habits that I find beneficial, read the full article to see which ones might be right for you.

Tips on How to Create Structure

Having good structure in your workplace is extremely important in fostering efficiency and overall productivity. While it might be tempting to cater to the scheduling needs of your employees, it is important to keep in mind what is best for your business. Oftentimes there is a happy medium that can be utilized to keep the needs of both groups in mind. The article linked to below is largely targeted to either “virtual” organizations or remote workforces. However, all of the points suggested are important for the efficient operation of any organization or business. Read more here:

New “No Rush Rate” Starts Now!

If you are interested in starting a project with us and have a flexible time frame, check out our new “No Rush Rate”. We’ll offer you $10 off per hour of our current hourly rate if you extend your project out to be completed within a 3 month time frame.

This type of project would be worked on by a programmer during down-times of existing projects and could be completed earlier, but would not exceed the 3 month time frame. Your project will not be passed to multiple programmers; it will be assigned to one programmer and will be completed by that programmer as their schedule allows over the course of 3 months. We’d like to limit these projects to a 20-hour maximum, but we are open to discussion if you have a project that is over the 20-hour limit.

We hope you like this offer; it’s not only a great discount for you, but a great way for us to fill in the gaps in programmers’ schedules while they work on larger, on-going projects. You will still receive the high-quality work that we have always strived to provide but over a longer time period!!! Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have!

Formulas for Social Media Content

When it comes to social media, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start with writing content. This can be particularly difficult to accomplish within 140 characters, while managing to be engaging and interesting. The best approach is to find a formula that works for you, and stick to it – with perhaps occasional variation. There are several different formulas currently getting a lot of use. The article linked to below lists several of these different formulas. Try a few out to find out what works for you!

Message from GlobalSign Regarding Certificate Transparency Requirements

We wanted to pass on an important notification that we recently received from GlobalSign regarding Certificate Transparency requirements that will be changing no later than December 31st.

“In order to improve the security of Extended Validation (EV) SSL
Certificates, Google Chrome intends to require Certificate Transparency
(CT) for all EV SSL Certificates issued after December 31, 2014.
Certificates not enabled for CT will no longer display the green address
bar in Chrome starting in February 2015.

To support this initiative and to ensure the best browsing experience
for your customers, GlobalSign will be posting all previously issued
publicly visible EV SSL Certificates to qualified CT logs during
December 2014 in order to have them added to the Google CT whitelist.
Starting no later than December 31, 2014, all GlobalSign EV SSL
Certificates will be published to CT logs during issuance. Publishing EV
SSL Certificates to the CT logs and including Signed Certificate
Timestamps (SCTs) in them will ensure that your customers websites will
continue to display the green address bar in Chrome.

For further details and upcoming dates, please see the information

What is Certificate Transparency?

Certificate Transparency (CT) project provides an open framework for
monitoring and auditing SSL Certificate issuance based on Certificate
Authorities posting SSL Certificates to publicly accessible Qualified
Certificate Transparency Logs. These logs can be monitored by
enterprises to track the issuance of certificates for their domains
and to allow for corrective action to be taken should
mis-issuance be detected.

The official Certificate Transparency Project describes the 3 main goals:

  • To make it impossible (or at least very difficult) for a CA to issue an
    SSL Certificate for a domain without the certificate being visible to
    the owner of that domain.
  • To provide an open auditing and monitoring system that lets any domain
    owner or CA determine whether certificates have been mistakenly or
    maliciously issued.
  • To protect users from being duped by certificates that were mistakenly
    or maliciously issued.

Google’s CT Roadmap for EV SSL

In order to improve the security of EV SSL Certificates, Google Chrome
is requiring Certificate Transparency (CT) for all EV SSL Certificates
issued after December 31, 2014. Google’s schedule for enforcing CT is as

By January 1, 2015, all previously issued EV SSL Certificates with
validity beyond February 2015 must be submitted to a CT Log so they can
be included in the Google whitelist.

By January 1, 2015 the issuance of new (including re-issued) EV
certificates must have Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) included, or
they will not receive the traditional Green bar EV treatment by Chrome.

Beginning in February 2015, both Chrome desktop and mobile versions will
not display the prominent Green Bar associated with EV SSL Certificates
if it is not on the whitelist or if it does not have SCTs in the

Changes for GlobalSign Customers

No later than December 31, 2014: GlobalSign will be posting all publicly
visible EV SSL Certificates to at least one qualified CT log in order to
have them added to the Google CT whitelist. Internally accessible EV
SSL Certificates can be reissued after December 31, 2014 if they need to
receive the Chrome EV treatment.

Starting no later than December 31, 2014: All EV SSL Certificates will
be published to CT logs during issuance and will include SCTs.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The GlobalSign Support Team

US: 1-603-570-7060 | UK: +44 1622 766 766 | EU : +32 16 89 1900

The Importance of Images in Search Engine Optimization

When people approach search engine optimization (SEO), images are often an afterthought. In some cases, images might not be considered at all, if a site is looking to go for the easiest targets in SEO. However, due to Google’s introduction of “universal” search results in 2007, images are a very important aspect of SEO. For more information on ways to make images work for you, click here:

Update on PayPal’s Discontinuation of Support for SSL v3.0

PayPal has released an update regarding their discontinuation of support for SSL v3.0 due to the POODLE vulnerability. They have found a short-term solution that will allow continued support of most of SSL 3.0 until 1/12/2015 at 12:01 PST. PayPal’s revised statement can be read in full here. However, versions that are vulnerable to POODLE will still be discontinued on 12/03/2014 (tomorrow). This grants a small reprieve for a certain number of people that would otherwise be affected tomorrow. For more information on this issue, please refer to our previous blog post.

As always, if you need support due to this issue, please contact us.