Paypal has recently announced that they have added a new feature to their popular Payflow Payment Gateway. The new feature aims to limit the impact of carding, or a process that
Source: 3dcart
fraudsters use to determine whether stolen card numbers are active and not yet reported lost or stolen
Carding can take on many forms, including:
A single card repeatedly used in quick succession for low or identical dollar amounts
Source: 3dcart
Multiple cards repeatedly used in quick succession for low or identical dollar amounts
Cards with the same information (name and/or billing address) from the same IP address
Multiple cards with differing information (name and/or billing address) from the same IP address
Multiple cards with different billing addresses but an identical BIN (Bank Identification Number)
The the new carding module for Payflow e-commerce stores will now get notified of suspected carding activity. Paypal will return a new result code, 170, indicating that “Fraudulent activity detected: carding.” The account will also be blocked at Paypal from purchases in your store.
Don’t worry, you’ll be able to easily unblock accounts in your Paypal Manager.
Look for forthcoming updates to the Paypal modules for Magento, X-cart, and other e-commerce packages. Most stores will still handle this new error code and prevent the purchase from registering to the vendor even without an update.
For more information on Payflow Carding Protection, visit the announcement.
And if you’re concerned about excessive carding attempts occurring with your e-commerce store contact us today to see how we can help!