The long-lived Microsoft Internet Explorer is beginning its swan song. Beginning with Windows 10, Internet Explorer will be phased out. Of course, Microsoft will be still in the browser market. As of right now, the new browser project is currently named Project Spartan (cue a web-comic with IE being “Sparta-kicked” into a hole), but that name will likely change as the project develops. Also, Spartan will come with a Web assistant named Cortana (see: Halo), as well as some other added functionality.
There are several versions of this information around the Web. However, this NPR article is among the most informative pieces I have seen on the topic. It also includes a memorable line from AdWeek’s Kristina Monllos regarding the need for noticeable change from IE to Spartan: “They don’t want people to see it as if they’re just putting lipstick on the Internet Explorer pig.” While this is true (and is definitely a challenge for Microsoft to overcome), I am sure current IE users might not mind that lipstick-covered pig. So, the challenge becomes retaining current users and attracting back some of its former market share. I am curious to see what Microsoft brings to the table to try to achieve this end.